pacmanから、package-queryをインストールする。# pacman -S package-query
# vim /etc/pacman.conf ... [archlinuxfr] SigLevel = Never Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/$arch
# pacman --sync --refresh yaourt # pacman -Syu
はじめに注意したとおり、一般ユーザで実行する。$ yaourt -S パッケージ名
実行すると、パッケージの管理者からのメッセージ等が表示され、PKGBUILDファイルを編集する必要があるか聞いてくる。必要であればy、なければn。メッセージを読んだりして、なにか怪しいと思ったら、yにしてPKGBUILDを眺めてみて、編集するべきところがあるか確認する。ほぼ編集の必要がないが、プリンタのドライバをインストールするときには編集の必要があった。詳しくは、Arch Linuxでプリンタの設定を参照。
... This should be all. Please have a look at official OpenJDK packages from extra for reference. "install" scripts for OpenJDK packages have also been revamped for nicer integration but without any consequence on other packages. These could easily be customized (or even taken "as is") for your own "install" scripts. Comment by josephgbr (2014-10-13 15:13) @det: please set this package to work with 'java-runtime-common' and 'java-environment-common'. Thanks in advance! Comment by Det (2014-10-13 15:15) I will, that was asked and explained in the comment just before yours, thank-you :). Comment by Det (2014-10-15 06:14) java.com has now updated to v8, so we could start using the auto-download links (no cookie flags required): - downloads: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp?locale=en - x86_64: http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=97360 - i686: http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=97358 jre 8u25-1 (2011年 8月 28日 日曜日 02:57:16 JST) ( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! ) ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort) ==> ------------------------------------ ==> n ...
... ==> jre dependencies: - ca-certificates-java (already installed) - desktop-file-utils (already installed) - hicolor-icon-theme (already installed) - java-runtime-common (already installed) - libxrender (already installed) - libxtst (already installed) - shared-mime-info (already installed) - xdg-utils (already installed) ==> Edit jre.install ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort) ==> --------------------------------------- ==> n ==> Continue building jre ? [Y/n] ==> ----------------------------- ==> ==> Building and installing package ==> Making package: jre 8u25-1 (2014年 12月 7日 日曜日 17:55:29 JST) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Retrieving sources... -> Downloading jre-8u25-linux-x64.tar.gz... ...
... ==> Continue installing jre ? [Y/n] ==> [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap ==> --------------------------------------------------- ==> y loading packages... resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... Packages (1): jre-8u25-1 Total Installed Size: 156.15 MiB Net Upgrade Size: 30.29 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y (1/1) checking keys in keyring [#########################################] 100% (1/1) checking package integrity [#########################################] 100% (1/1) loading package files [#########################################] 100% (1/1) checking for file conflicts [#########################################] 100% (1/1) checking available disk space [#########################################] 100% warning: /etc/profile.d/jre.sh saved as /etc/profile.d/jre.sh.pacsave warning: /etc/profile.d/jre.csh saved as /etc/profile.d/jre.csh.pacsave (1/1) upgrading jre [#########################################] 100% :: archlinux-java: JRE ('java-8-jre/jre') set as default Java environment. New optional dependencies for jre alsa-lib: for basic sound support [installed] gtk2: for Gtk+ look and feel (desktop) [installed] ttf-font: fonts
たまに、エラーで502 Bad Gatewayが出ることがある。インストールを中断して、再度-Sを実行するとエラーなく通ったりする。
... svn: E175002: PROPFIND request on /svn/!svn/bln/ failed: 502 Bad Gateway ...
AURに登録されているパッケージを検索するときは-Ssを使う。pacmanと同じ。ただし、yaourtで-Ssを使うと、公式リポジトリとAURの両方を検索してくれる。$ yaourt -Ss jre extra/jre7-openjdk 7.u71_2.5.3-1 OpenJDK Java 7 full runtime environment extra/jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u71_2.5.3-1 OpenJDK Java 7 headless runtime environment extra/jre8-openjdk 8.u25-1 OpenJDK Java 8 full runtime environment extra/jre8-openjdk-headless 8.u25-1 OpenJDK Java 8 headless runtime environment aur/android-apktool-beta 2.0.0rc3-1 (2) A tool for reengineering Android apk files. Uses JRE7+. aur/bin32-jre 8u25-1 (119) Java Runtime Environment (32-bit) aur/bin32-jre6 6u45-2 (7) Oracle Java 6 Runtime Environment (32-bit) (public release - end of support) aur/bin32-jre7 7.72-1 (0) Java 7 Runtime Environment (32-bit) aur/bin32-jre7-openjdk 7.u55_2.4.7-1 (8) 32-bit Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 7.0 with IcedTea7 replacing binary plugs for Arch x86_64 aur/ejre-arm-headless 7.60-2 (1) Oracle Embedded Java Runtime Environment for ARM - headless aur/galleon-cvs 20100110-1 (2) Galleon is a Java application which means it requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed for it to run on your computer. Once Galleon is running on your computer, you can access its applications on your TiVo DVR. aur/jre 8u25-1 [installed] (484) Oracle Java Runtime Environment ...
$ yaourt -Si jre /dev/fd/63: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `(' /dev/fd/63: line 10: `declare optdepends=('alsa-lib: for basic sound support'' /dev/fd/63: line 12: syntax error near unexpected token `(' /dev/fd/63: line 12: `declare depends=('ca-certificates-java' 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'java-runtime-common' 'libxrender' 'libxtst' 'shared-mime-info' 'xdg-utils')' Repository : aur Name : jre Version : u-1 URL : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html AUR URL : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/jre Licenses : custom Votes : 484 Out Of Date : No Groups : None Provides : java-runtime= java-runtime-headless= java-web-start= java-runtime-jre= java-runtime-headless-jre= java-web-start-jre= Depends On : None Optional Deps : alsa-lib: for basic sound support gtk2: for Gtk+ look and feel (desktop) ttf-font: fonts Conflicts With : None Replaces : None Maintainer : Det Architecture : i686 x86_64 Last update : 2014年12月06日 02時03分17秒 Description : Oracle Java Runtime Environment
AURを含んだ全てのパッケージをアップデートするときは、-Syuaオプションを使う。-a (--aur)でAURリポジトリも含むことになる。-aオプションはpacmanには用意されていないので、yaourtでしか実行できない。pacman -Syuと同様に、定期的にアップデートを実行する。$ yaourt -Syua :: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to date community 2.4 MiB 5.28M/s 00:00 [########################################] 100% multilib-testing is up to date archlinuxfr is up to date banshee-community-extensions : Orphan Foreign packages: / 13 / 13
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